Ski centar Tornik
Summer activities
Sightseeing tour on a chairlift
Mountain clearings and peaks leave every tourist speechless. In Tornik you have the possibility to see the mountain from a different angle. Not only that, but you also have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and views stretching to the four corners of the world. The sightseeing ride in a six seater chairlift enables you to see and experience Zlatibor in a different way.
From Tornik peak you can see Durmitor, Jahorina, Tara, Lake Ribničko, and peaks Čigota and Murtenica, the villages of Jablanica, Dobroselica, Stubno, Semegnjevo, Zlatibor housing estate...

Mountain biking (cross country)
Cross country cycling trails:
- Ribnica trail - starts from the Tornik peak, over the pass, forest and Ribnica road, then along the ski run by the Stanko's creek (gravel, dirt road) - the length of the route is 3.5 miles, and the level of difficulty is 2/5
- Beli kamen trail - polazi od vrha Tornika preko prevoja, Đurovića groblja, Ribnica, zatim preko Belog kamena i Ječmišta (asfaltni put) – dužina rute je 12 km, a težina 3/5
- Previja trail - polazi od vrha Tornika preko prevoja, Tokvića kose, naselja Ribnica i Ječmišta (zatravljeni put, makadam, asfaltni put, zemljani put) – dužina rute je 5,3 km, a težina je 3/5
- Vidikovac trail - u pripremi – polaziće od vrha Tornika preko Vrščića, šumskim putem i ski putem pored Stankovog potoka (zemljani put, makadam) - težina rute je 3/5
See a video of those here and here.
In Tornik ski resort you can rent bickes, and you can ride on a six seater chairlift with special bicycle racks.
Before using cycling trails, you must be aware of the code of conduct for mountain biking, and also to sign a risk acceptance statement.
Hiking trails
Children’s playground
Tubing run (summer tobogganing)